Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter fitspo?

Jillian Michaels kicks ass. If you're lucky enough to have OnDemand by Cox on your tv, there are 15 min to full hour workouts by her available whenever!

What is fitspo?

I'm sure tons of girls have seen "thinspo" around the net. Basically thinspo pictures are glorified anorexic and bulimic girls. Thinspo is used as "inspiration" for girls to get thin, mainly by way of an eating disorder or two.

As someone wanting to tone up and eat healthy, I found very few sites or blogs with inspiration for girls to get fit and stay healthy. I decided to start up a blog where girls can share "fitspiration" pictures, healthy recipes, stories or whatever!

I hope this takes off, and good luck with whatever your health goals are!
